Programing since 2021

About me

Hello! My name is Samanta and I’ve been programming since 2021. So far I’ve learned Javascript, HTML, CSS, WordPress, Git&Github, C, Python and I’m currently learning Node.js, React.js, SQL…

I can speak Spanish, German, English and Catalan fluently. I was born and raised in Barcelona (Spain) and studied in a Swiss school till the age of 16. After that, my family decided to travel. We spend a year in Granada (south of Spain) were I studied “bachillerato”, it’s a two year period where you prepare yourself for a university entry exam more or less. This year (2022/2023) we’re exploring Asia. I decided to start studying programming on my own instead of continuing with “Bachillerato”/University. This is just the beginning. 


Travel Guides


What’s new?

  • BTC prague

    Hace unos días se celebró uno de los eventos más grandes de bitcoin, BTC prague. Como su nombre indica el evento se llevó a cabo en Praga. He tenido la suerte de poder asistir a este gran evento con mis padres y hermano y quiero compartir esta experiencia. Compramos los tickets que nos permitían acceder…

  • Quiebra de los bancos

    Se ha observado un creciente número de bancos, incluso los de gran importancia, enfrentando la bancarrota. Para entender las razones detrás de esto y sus implicaciones, es esencial comprender primero el funcionamiento interno de los bancos. Los bancos funcionan mediante un sistema de depósitos y préstamos. Cuando depositamos dinero en un banco, esencialmente le damos…

  • Bitcoin Transactions

    Key concepts first: Trezor Suite: It’s a software application that helps you manage your Bitcoin transactions. You can use it with your hardware wallet to securely store your Bitcoin and make transactions. RBF: It stands for Replace By Fee. It’s a feature that allows you to increase the fee for a Bitcoin transaction that has…

  • Identifying scammers

    I’ve had a few scammers contact me via instagram and although I didn’t fall for them I’m sure other people have. So I decided to share my experience with these scammers so y’all can identify them. Some are more obvious than others, but with bots and AI it’s getting wild. Two of the scammers that…

  • Un podcast sobre bitcoin: por qué tanto bitcoiner es carnívoro

    Resumen (Link) Habla sobre la importancia de una buena alimentación y obtención de luz. Dice que los principales alimentos que deberíamos consumir son carne, pescado y marisco, un poco de verduras y frutas y muy pocos o ningún carbohidratos. Dice cómo al cambiar su dieta él y su hermano dejaron de tener asma. Explica cómo

  • Barcelona, Spain

    Well, I’ve lived in Barcelona for 16 years and have seen some of the usual sightseeing things to see. To be honest, I don’t really like museums and visiting monuments, but there are some touristic places I do like, so i’ll be writing first about the ones I like and at the end the ones…

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0034 644 850 074

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